Meet The Characters
Ollie J OliverOllie has been Pastor Frank's main side kick for the last 14 years. He is witty and everything he does is literal. Many times Pastor Frank has to try and explain almost everything, because Ollie takes it so literal. It gets interesting when he tries to explain to Ollie that some words can have different meanings. Jana does the voice of Ollie.
Professor Whatsanagle
Tim-TationTim is another unique character. He is what his name says. . .Tim-Tation. He is always coming in at the most unusual time and his main focus is to bring everyone and anyone temptation. Tim is a black light puppet and really looks cool in the black light. After all temptation is cool, but not something we should follow. Jana also does the voice of Tim.
Jana Sarvabui
Harry OliverHarry is unique because he is Ollie's uncle. Harry has a special problem, he has fleas. Yes you read right fleas. every time he shows up in kids guessed it. he brings his fleas with him. He is also very literal and most of the time he is plain confused. He does help out Ollie on occasion. Jana also does his voice.
Professor Whoopie
This puppet is a sophisticated intelligent professor of wisdom. He also moonlights as a anchor in Pastor Franks videos when needed. he is responsible for a number of newscasts as well as being Pastor Franks number two side kick on videos. Pastor Frank does the voice of the Professor. His name is pronouned Whats-a-nagle!
This is what Jana looks like as a cartoon. She is a unique and awesome person. She puts up with Pastor Frank and tries to keep him in line. She is also very talented in art and painting murals. She also plays the piano and helps P.F. in worship. Jana is P.F.'S right hand, they work together as a great team.
otherwise known as the absent-minded professor. He mainly appears on videos
and on some ocasions he will show up in kids church live. He has helped Pastor Frank in the CSI Crimes of the Bible as well as other things when needed. |