God's Judgements & The Return of Jesus Series
God's Judgements and the return of Jesus to this earth. There are a number of scenes that we must build on to get to the end of times as it is called. So, we will start at ground zero in Eden and work our way through the bible till we get to the book of Revelation! What we are sharing will be on a 4th-6th grade level so that all can understand!
PLEASE READ THIS!Our goal is to show throughout the bible how judgements came when people did not heed the warnings from God. In these days we are being warned by God to repent and grow close to him.
UNDERSTAND WE WILL NOT BE SHARING ALL OF THE TERRIBLE THINGS IN REVELATION DUE TO THE CONTENT. But we will be sharing from Week 8 through 13 what you and your family needs to know to prepare for the coming of Jesus! DISCLAIMER!!! No one knows the days or time. We are not attempting to tell you that. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 24:36 NIV |
1. It all started in Eden – The Fall of man.
2. The Tower of Babel – The Great Division of mankind. 3. The Flood – Sin of man was great – God’s Judgement on Earth. 4. Sodom And Gomorrah – God’s judgment with fire. And Ninevah. 5. A nation’s Army is destroyed – Egypt’s biggest Fall! 6. The First temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II, the King of Babylon. 7. The second Temple Destroyed AD 70. 8. The Rapture Part 1 - The Great UFO Conspiracy! 9. The Signs of the end times Part 2. 10. Facing Persecution. 11. Be Rapture Ready! 12. When Jesus Returns & The Battle of Armageddon 13. The Great White Throne Final Judgment! |